About Us

Welcome to TaalCare, a Mental Health and Wellness Hub, a dedicated space designed to empower and support you on your journey to enhanced well-being. We understand that mental health is an essential part of living a fulfilling life, and we're here to provide you with the tools, resources, and guidance you need to prioritize your mental well-being.

At our website, we believe in a holistic approach to mental health, recognizing that each person's journey is unique. Whether you're seeking information, inspiration, or practical strategies, our goal is to create a safe and compassionate environment where you can explore, learn, and grow.

Our team of passionate mental health professionals and experts have curated a wide range of resources to cater to your diverse needs. From insightful articles and videos to evidence-based techniques and wellness assessments, we have carefully crafted this platform to serve as your go-to destination for mental health support from anywhere you are located in the world.

We invite you to delve into our comprehensive library of resources, where you'll find practical tips for managing stress, building resilience, improving relationships, practicing self-care, and nurturing your emotional well-being. Our wellness assessment tool will guide you in assessing your current state of wellness and offer personalized feedback to help you on your path to improvement.

We understand that seeking help can sometimes be challenging, which is why we've compiled a directory of helplines,, and mental health support organizations. You're never alone in your journey, and we're here to connect you with the right resources when you need them most.

Join our vibrant community of individuals who are committed to embracing mental health as an integral part of their lives. Explore our regularly updated blog, where you'll find thought-provoking articles, personal stories, and expert insights, all aimed at inspiring and empowering you.

Your privacy and confidentiality are of utmost importance to us. We adhere to strict data protection measures to ensure the security of your personal information and assessment results. You can explore our website with peace of mind, knowing that your well-being is our top priority.


Thank you for visiting our Mental Health and Wellness Hub. We invite you to embark on this transformative journey with us as you prioritize your mental health and embrace the potential for a more balanced, resilient, and fulfilling life.

The purpose of our Mental Health and Wellness website is to foster well-being, provide support, and empower individuals across the globe on their mental health journeys. By offering valuable resources and guidance, we aim to promote positive mental well-being, reduce stigma, and create a sense of community. Here are some key benefits of our website for global consumers:

1. Accessible Support: Our website serves as a readily accessible platform where individuals from around the world can find valuable mental health support and resources. It breaks down barriers of location and time, ensuring that anyone with an internet connection can benefit from the information and tools provided.

2. Information and Education: We strive to provide accurate, evidence-based information on various mental health topics. Our content empowers individuals to understand mental health challenges, recognize symptoms, and explore self-help techniques. By promoting education and awareness, we aim to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their mental well-being.

3. Personal Growth and Empowerment: Our website is designed to support personal growth and empower individuals to take charge of their mental health. Through self-assessment tools, self-care strategies, and practical tips, users can cultivate resilience, enhance coping skills, and develop a greater sense of self-awareness.

4. Community and Connection: We believe in the power of community and connection. Our website provides a platform for individuals to engage with others who share similar experiences and challenges. Through our blog, forums, and social media channels, users can find support, share stories, and engage in meaningful discussions, fostering a sense of belonging and understanding.

5. Breaking Stigma: Mental health stigma continues to be a global issue. Our website aims to break down barriers and challenge the stigma surrounding mental health by providing a safe and inclusive space for individuals to seek support and information. By promoting open dialogue and acceptance, we hope to create a more compassionate and understanding society.

6. Global Resources: Recognizing the diversity of our global audience, we curate resources that cater to different cultural contexts and perspectives. We strive to include a wide range of mental health resources, acknowledging that approaches to mental well-being may vary across cultures. This inclusivity ensures that our website is relevant and beneficial to individuals from various backgrounds.

7. Professional Guidance: While our website offers valuable resources, we also encourage individuals to seek professional help when needed. We provide information on finding mental health professionals, therapists, and counselors, helping users connect with qualified experts who can offer personalized support.

By offering a comprehensive and user-friendly platform, our global Mental Health and Wellness website aims to inspire, inform, and empower individuals worldwide, ultimately promoting positive mental health and well-being for all.

Bio of Sheri Tomlin

 Sheri Tomlin is a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner and Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) who is currently practicing in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. She is actively involved in developing national and global campaigns that will empower people and bring aid to communities worldwide. Through her non-profit organization Peace on earth Ministries, Inc. she is creating reliable systems of care, increasing access to technology, renewable energy, and education on the African continent.

Ms. Tomlin is a freelance writer and she is currently working on the screenplay for her new novel, The African Bodyguard. She enjoys traveling around Africa, the continent she loves.

Ms. Tomlin has been an Adult Educator since 2004 after opening a medical training center that was known as Corridor health Education Center in Richardson, Texas. Jamaican born Sheri Tomlin is a mental health practitioner and author of the new novel, “The African Bodyguard. She currently resides in the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas area.

Ms. Tomlin has taught nurse aide, medication aide, and phlebotomy courses over the years. Many of her students were Asian or refuges from African who were brought to the United States by the organization, Catholic Charities. During the 1990’s Ms. Tomlin was deployed to Somalia with the United Stated Army for a humanitarian mission there. She worked as an Army nurse treating soldiers and she would privately treated Somalians whenever possible.

While in East Africa, she was able to visit Kenya and her journey would continue to Egypt in North Africa.

Ms. Tomlin recently visited Senegal in West Africa and as a result of her fascination with the African continent that she loves, she volunteers and serve socio-economically disadvantaged people in Africa through her own non-profit organization. Today, Ms. Tomlin is actively involved in developing global campaigns and creating trade markets that will empower people on the African continent and she supports efforts to link Africans to those in the African diaspora. Through her non-profit organization, Peace on Earth Ministries, Inc. she is working to increase technological access, renewable energy and childhood education in Africa. Ms. Tomlin is also a freelance writer and she is currently working on the screenplay for her new novel that is available on amazon.com, “The African Bodyguard”.

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